
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - September 22nd, 2017

not much to say, just here to watch some violent madness cartoons and see what we have this year and hope is better than the previous one ;).

about me? not much unfortunately, but ill promise next year ill bring something big:

My Madness Day Postcard

Madness Gorefication

Madness Hallucination 2.5(soon)


 PD:Madness Beaconfication 3 has reached the 3000 frames, ill try to get it done for November but i think it will be the longest movie ibe made til now.

Posted by juanford66 - September 13th, 2017

so yeah, again, another year more, hopping to see what the people have for this year and hopping will be a good one. Beaconfication 3 is near to reach the 3k frames, but wont be ready for MD sadly. 

and what i have for this year? well, im in 2 collabs, Hallucination 2.5, and Gorefication.

oh yeah, and i guess ill do the Postcard has always, so if someone is interested to be on it, tell me about it and send me your character sprites if you are interested to be on it ;).

thats all, see you all in Madness Day!

Posted by juanford66 - August 17th, 2017

almost 1 month since the last post and... uh not much new, did some progress on Beaconfication 3, finished the 4th scene and did a bit of the 5th, my goal is finish the movie this year(thing that XXXX1234 spam adventure doesnt seem to be finished this year coz a so slow progress) so im not much worried.

other things... Hallucination 2.5 deadline seems ill end in 6 days(23rd of august), so now i have a idea for a clip i think ill be a bit fast and try to make a 3rd clip, here is a screenshot:

common now, he isnt looking (*-*  )


Posted by juanford66 - July 21st, 2017

first time ibe opened the file in like 2 months and a half since i was busy with 3 collabs: Ryder Revenge, SpeedRage 3 and Gorefication; yeah this seems a year of a lot of collabs cuz im on Hallucination 2.5 too. but ibe finally finished all these clips so i can continue with Beaconfication 3, in the next months i should work only on this movie and xxxx1234 spam ep4 and maybe a madness version of the Dance till Youre Dead meme. for now, here is a screenshot of the current scene im working on.


Posted by juanford66 - July 12th, 2017

well, since ibe started to use Swivel to convert the .swf files into video ones i had the idea to upload some of my old, not so old, lastest collab clips(once the collab is released) and my solo movies to YouTube too for my own so now the people would be able to see it not only on Newgrounds; it isnt a big deal but... 

has i said, i dont have big plans for the channel, only upload collab clips, long test and my solo movies, but if you are interested you always can give it at look(if you follow me since long time wont be nothing has you never seen)

PD: still working on collab clips, Ryder Revenge clip is already done, also ibe participated on the Speed Rage Collab 3 wich is already out ;), aaaaand, for Spaderz's Gorefication collab im currently doing my 2nd and last clip. so Beaconfication 3 should back to work on it on August or if my lazyness let me at the end of this month.

Posted by juanford66 - June 25th, 2017

not much happened on the last month, some progress on Ryder revenge collab but not much more, this is a update post about the XXXX1234 Spam Adventure 4 movie, wich at the end with be a long final episodie:

  • INTRO(Dudingdarn) [DONE]
  • Scene 1-(me) [DONE]
  • Scene 2-(Gibb50) [DONE]
  • Scene 3-(Jackson Siegel)
  • Scene 4-
  • Scene 5-
  • Scene 6-
  • Scene 7-
  • Scene 8-
  • Scene 9-
  • Scene 10-
  • Scene 11-
  • Scene 12-


Animators list:

  1. Juanford66(me)
  2. Dudingdarn
  3. Gibb50
  4. 0Rockluki0
  5. ZaracaM
  6. Jackson-Siegel
  7. Vassline?

also, small preview of a char who could appear on the movie ;) (picture done by ZaracaM)



Posted by juanford66 - May 19th, 2017

well... someone remeber that old and hilarious spam series i did back on 2012-14?, the thing is... that ibe re-watched it some months ago and... dud that was good, shame that it wasnt finished, wait, you know what? why not?, so ibe decided to end it, i really want to finish this, so ibe more or less planned the plot for the Ep4 and Ep5!, yeah 2 episodies ;)

so i need some good animators to make it possible, if you are interested let me know doing a comment on the post or just pm me to let me know!; a test to see your skills helps, but if you are a known animator it wont be necesary.

about the current progress of the movie, well not much:

  • INTRO(Dudingdarn) [DONE]
  • Scene 1-(me) [DONE]
  • Scene 2-(Gibb50) [in progress]
  • Scene 3-
  • Scene 4-
  • Scene 5-
  • Scene 6-
  • Scene 7-
  • Scene 8-
  • Scene 9-
  • Scene 10-
  • Scene 11-
  • Scene 12-

Animators list:

  1. Juanford66(me)
  2. Dudingdarn
  3. Gibb50
  4. kRyy
  5. 0Rockluki0
  6. ZaracaM
  7. Jackson-Siegel



Posted by juanford66 - May 2nd, 2017

last weeks ibe decided to join on 2 collabs, Spaderz´s and Djjaner's collabs, so that means that Mandess Beaconfication 3 progress will be stoped for like 1 month or something, and im thinking to maybe delay the release date util Madness Day 2017, so yeah, current animations progress:

  1. Madness Beaconfication 3-> 1600 frames.
  2. Madness Gorefication-> 1/2 clips 
  3. Ryder Revenge Collab-> 0/1 clips

i think thats all, not much more to say, so see ya later in another post.

also, ibe made a new test.

Posted by juanford66 - April 9th, 2017

another post, so time to get you updated about my movie progress, has the tittle of the post says, ibe reached the 1000 frames of progress on Beaconfication 3(about 30-40% of the movie done), so i guess the progress is a bit slow but good, im happy if it get finished before MD.

Also me and some person are thinking on a small collab or collaborative animation, i cant say too much but could be released around that dates too.

W10 Creators Update comming in a few days, i have fear that some programs like my flash 8 can be broken cuz this update(since its a program that didnt got updated in ages), maybe not, maybe yes.... lest see what happen :\.

Posted by juanford66 - March 12th, 2017

i have almost finished the first scene of my current movie, about 700 frames done, i dont do this much but here is a little preview of the movie, is the progress i have done so far,i hope have the movie finished for this summer  and could be my next release, or not, who knows ;).