
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - March 1st, 2017

Afther finish my part for Hallucination 3 and SpeedRage 2, ibe decided to start my next solo project wich will be the 3rd part of Madness Beaconfication, all i can say is that i have done the first 300 frames of the movie done and it will have 2 protagonist, so probably will be a bit harder to make, try to be more or less creative and how will they interact each other, but i hope have it finished for this summer, probably a bit before MD.

Oh and probably later ill show a pic how will look my character, sorry if its awful, im not good at all making my own sprites :T.

Thats all for now.

Posted by juanford66 - January 28th, 2017

not much happened, only maked this post to let you know what im working on right now; still with the Hallucination 3 clip, yeah still not finished but is a huge clip, i have around 1700 frames done and sould be around 90% finished. afther that what comes? dunno, i feel a bit bored and with low motivation to animate since like a week, but i guess ill post some test and around next month start with Beaconfication 3.

Thats all, if someone is interested.

also ibe made a test.

and another one.

Posted by juanford66 - January 1st, 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!, we leave behind another year(2016) that personally for me was good irl, and quite decent on animation too, here it is all my 2016 contributions:

  1. Madness Hallucination 2
  2. Madness Beaconfication 2
  3. Madness Extermination Collab 5
  4. DJ Madness
  5. Incident:x4ms

hope you all enjoyed it!, also now its time to look for all this next 12 months that i hope will be even better ;).

  • Madness Beaconfication 0
  • Madness Beaconfication 3
  • and some collab contributions 
  • ????

so, how was your 2016 and what do you expect for this new year uh? :)

Posted by juanford66 - December 24th, 2016

again, this time of the year arrives, one of my favorite moments mostly for be all the family together, i hope you are enjoying it too :D!, also, for first time ibe made a Madness Christmas Movie for you ;).

go watch it and tell me what you think, i hope u like it ^^.

nothing more to say, except that ibe started to work on the next project and for my first Hallucination 3 collab clip.


Posted by juanford66 - December 12th, 2016

First of all, i have bad news about it, some you will know others no, Chrome will stop to suport and probably block Flash content on February 2017; what this means? that if we will want to still use flash on chrome, we will must install it manually or use another browser that will still to suport it.

the thing is... im worried about this site, cuz is a Flash portal, i dont really know what will happen with these flash submisions, movies & games, will die? there will be another option to still to be watched?, i dont really know what will do Newgrounds with this problem.

i dont really know but, HTML5 i think it can run .swf files(produced by flash programs), so maybe that could be an option, and maybe only maybe these Flash movies & games can still alive. 

other option can be pass it to other format, but it seems a lot of work, and, personally i only have the files of my submisions from 2014 to now, dont know what will happen with all my 2012-2013 animations. and not only my clase, im sure that a lot of people have this problem too; so, we only must wait and see what happens in the next 2 months.


PD: im finishing my christmas movie so, it can be released pretty soon, in 1-2 weeks ;).

Posted by juanford66 - November 23rd, 2016

4-5 weeks to finish the animation, for now im going well, 4th scene almost done, around 1600 frames and the 70% of the project done, not much more except that this comming weeks ill be with exams so i hope can have time to finish this thing at time; ibe only did this post to stay you updated about how things are goin, so... hows all goin?

Posted by juanford66 - November 1st, 2016

yeah, not much to say, except that im gettin older heh and well i had a new bq movile(i was hopping more money for my pc but, is nice anyways), didnt celebrated too much, go eat with my family and try to catch the last halloween pokemons hehe.

about Incident:xm4s, 1200 frames and about 50% done, is goin pretty well, but i think the progress will slow down a bit when the exams period comes.

Posted by juanford66 - October 24th, 2016

well, this is a small post to say that im workin on a small madness incident for this month of December, i did want to do this since a few years ago so... for now i have done about 900 frames, the movie will be probably called Incident:xm4s. so yeh, ill probably go updating the post or telling about the progress in the comming post.

Posted by juanford66 - October 5th, 2016

seems we already can know who won this Madness Day, all my congrats to Ghost-Kewell and his Assasinate:Madness collab, they did a great work ^^.

buuuuut, Madness Extermination Collab 5 got 2nd! im so excited :D! its the first time that somethin ibe worked on enters on the podium of the Madness Day 2016 winners. thank you so much to everyone who participated on it and im glad that the people loved it.

also, ibe started on another madness animation, so maybe you can expect more content about me before this year end ;).

Posted by juanford66 - September 22nd, 2016

wow! another one?, it seems that Madness Day has arrived, and that means a lot yeah... madness! 

so for this time i had time to bring some contents 4 u ppl <3, check it out!

Madness Extermination Collab 5

DJ Madness

Madness Day Postcard 2016

soooo, what do you think? hehe, hope u have fun this weekend with the coming animations of this comunity. see ya! ^^