well... someone remeber that old and hilarious spam series i did back on 2012-14?, the thing is... that ibe re-watched it some months ago and... dud that was good, shame that it wasnt finished, wait, you know what? why not?, so ibe decided to end it, i really want to finish this, so ibe more or less planned the plot for the Ep4 and Ep5!, yeah 2 episodies ;)
so i need some good animators to make it possible, if you are interested let me know doing a comment on the post or just pm me to let me know!; a test to see your skills helps, but if you are a known animator it wont be necesary.
about the current progress of the movie, well not much:
- INTRO(Dudingdarn) [DONE]
- Scene 1-(me) [DONE]
- Scene 2-(Gibb50) [in progress]
- Scene 3-
- Scene 4-
- Scene 5-
- Scene 6-
- Scene 7-
- Scene 8-
- Scene 9-
- Scene 10-
- Scene 11-
- Scene 12-
Animators list:
- Juanford66(me)
- Dudingdarn
- Gibb50
- kRyy
- 0Rockluki0
- ZaracaM
- Jackson-Siegel