
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - August 4th, 2018

my part for the Greedy Collab is almost done. finally, i know, im a lazy fuck on animation but im glad that afther 4 months im almost done with this clip, wich for the length it looks more like a movie cuz ibe done around 3500 frames for it(sorry Dudin), you probably will not be able to watch it until the collab is done; but i like to tell how it is going.

nothing much to say really cuz thats the only thing ibe been working on the last months; since ibe reached 1.000 subs on YouTube ibe decided to make a short special animation, ill try to be creative, we will see in a few months how will look. dont worry, i have planed to upload it on both sytes, Newgrounds and YouTube.

for me thats all, have a great summer! or winter if youre on the oposite side of the world.



Posted by juanford66 - June 11th, 2018

heh omg, almost 3 months since my last post; well... it didnt happened too much anyways so it was a nonsense make more. finished my part fir djjaner's collab(now i can say it cuz it isnt a secret anymore) and still slowly but making progress on my Greedy Collab part, about 1400 frames done and starting with the 3rd scene(damn dunno why but since a while im doing long clips, and this done will have +2000 frames for sure). 

now that im in summer holidays and finally got the car license ill have lots of free time so i should be able to make progress more quickly... but all depends if lazyness/desmotivation doesnt appear.

Beaconfication 4 is stopped since almost the beginning of 2018, with collab parts and that i didnt did too much and dont expect more progress until i finish my part for Dudini's collab.

anyways... summer is almost here, what are you expectations about it?



Posted by juanford66 - March 25th, 2018

another update post, afther end to do that jeb animation, or at least stoped for now(my idea was to do like a incindent:1000a thing),ibe joined on some collabs, one of them is Dudin's Greedy collab(screenshot) wich collab part is about 600 frames done. not much more, here are the 2 scenes of that jeb thing if you are interested:

  • 1
  • 2
  • currently working on a 3rd part.



Posted by juanford66 - March 4th, 2018

well, 1 month since the last post and... what ibe been doing? not much, animated a few test and im animating like a, movie? i dont know ibe started it has a clip but im on the second scene, this is the first part , its like +1000 frames long for now so maybe ill publish it on NG or YT when it is done. 

for the rest, most sure ill start to work on my Greedy clip on the next weeks.


Posted by juanford66 - January 29th, 2018

if someone is interested on get the sprites, just click here


Posted by juanford66 - January 12th, 2018

thats right, Beaconfication 4 is on the way, just a few days afther finish the 3rd part ibe started with the new episodie, and with some interesting ideas, first 400 frames done, here is a little spoiler of the first background:


it will be a nother 5000 frames movie, and most sure will be done in around 1 year, january 2019 or maybe autum of this year, depends how much time takes me to do my Greedy Collab part and the Madness Day short.

Posted by juanford66 - January 5th, 2018

yea, incredible isnt it? lel, afther 1 year from my last solo movie here is another one, Madness Beaconfication 3, almost 6000 frames of movie, i must say is by far the longest movie ibe made, and i doubt ill make longer movies heh, it is a series that i had some ideas on mind and i liked to continue it, i have planed at least 3 movies more, Beaconfication 0(the origins) and Beaconfication 4 and 5, that could be released around end of 2018 and probably 2019 if i still with motivation or i have any free time.

anyways, i hope you like it, here is the YouTube version for who is interested: 


happy late new year to everyone!

Posted by juanford66 - December 11th, 2017

good news for those that are waiting for Madness Beaconfication 3, im working on the last scene and i have almost 5000 frames animated(my longest animation so far), and i think ill can get finally done with the movie(afther months of delay) in 2 weeks or less, so yeah ill try to make it a 2017 submision and i woulndt be suprised, has a christmas animation, i mean the release date ofcourse. so yea, stay tooned ;)!


Posted by juanford66 - November 5th, 2017

probably some of you forgot about this, but the project still alive; yes, wont come out this year but... only 2 scenes in 1 year. i hope with 2 new additions and with a deadline per scene this could go faster and be finished in some months(hope in half a year or so).

im also making the script for the next scenes so the members can continue it once the current animator finish his scene, this will be a great end i promise ;)

animators list:








Gay agents V2.0(must hide ur cock ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


Posted by juanford66 - October 7th, 2017

just a regular to tell more or less how is the movie going, must say the progress is slow but daily, im on the last scenes(currently with more of the half of the 7th done) and with 3400 frames finished. my goal has i said previously if i did it, will be release it this year, most sure on late November, early December.

for the moment here is another screenshot(wow dud, cool tooth u go there).

