
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - October 9th, 2015

since a few days, when my flash program was broken, i was thinking to do a small collab but not a normal and unoriginal madness collab, something "diferent" so, i saw videos of collaborations of other things about doors, so i said: why not pass this to madness? so, the rules are simple:

  • 1.the main character is a grunt
  • 2.must do that the char cross two doors, one of the left, to the right door.
  • 3.try to make a suces, like he falls, or steal something, or sidestep the balls of some agents... can hav kills but, not make a simple madness clip with kills and dat...
  • 4.the clip cant be longer than 12 seconds, but not shorter than 4.
  • 5.minimum 2 clips per member, maximum of 5.
  • 6.no porn.
  • 7.u must send me a pm with the swf. file to watch it, and the fla. to download it.
  • 8. dont delete the file util the release date of the collab(in case if i loose the files)
  • 9.30fps
  • 10.file sice, around 640x190.


Deadline: 30 of january, 2016.

links from the videos ibe based my idea, this can help u to understand my idea.



Posted by juanford66 - October 5th, 2015

since yesterday, my flash program its like broken. cant do a test movie, cant open files, when i try to open something that ibe already opened it appear dat:

While executing, the following JavaScript error(s) ocurred:

Cannot find file file:///C|/users/USUARIO/Downloads/archivosflash8/MADNESS_LOADER.fla


when i try to open a new file it appear dat:

While executing, the following JavaScript error(s) ocurred:

Exception thrown in native function


and when i try to create a new file, the program does not open a new file. im really fucked up, if someone PLEASE can HELP ME??! im really worried beacuse i cant animate, i cant basically do nothing and i dont know why this happened, this is a serious problem!

NEWS: seems that  i can open some files, others appear the errors that ibe tell in the post,the test movie does not work, only test scene; its like the program crashes and i cant create a new file. ill uninstall and back to install the program again this week, and ill tell u if it worked or not, aniways any help would be wellcome.

Good news, i guess, ibe reinstalled the flash8 again, all seems ok except one thing, the archive that i have the scene of ilumination 3 crashes the program, its like i open it and the test movie does not work, i try to copy the frames to other file and when i do dat the program crashes, so its like i cant continue with that scene i dunno what to do, anyone can help me with dat? because i dont wana do all the scene again :s


Posted by juanford66 - September 22nd, 2015

so, madness day already uh? :), im very sorry to not hav movie for this year, im very sorry guys, has you know i had problems formating my pc... gibb didnt had time neigther. aniways, i hope see a lot of good madness tributes this year. ill upload the post card in a while.

so... enjoy this madness day everyone!!! Madness Ilumination 3 will come out this year so dont worry, ill release more things before 2016 or dats what i hope :D

Madness Day 2015 Post Card <3

Posted by juanford66 - August 27th, 2015

Finally its here, go watch it! <333!!!!!

Also, back to animate afther 1 week full of problems with my laptop, i must finish at least 1 clip for Djjaner's collab :s

EDIT: Madness day post card almost done heheh, only a few char left.

Posted by juanford66 - August 20th, 2015

so yeh, ill do the same thing another year, ill do a new post card for dis Madness Day, if u are interested to be on it dont forget to make a comment on my post telling me about dat or send me a pm ;). oh and, soon i will release the movie, yeah soon. dats all, see ya!

oh and, kinda bad news about madness ilumination 3, maybe could not be released on MD due to not hav time or motivation enough, but we will try to release it aniways.

EDIT: in few days ill format my pc, basically beacuse it takes like 5 minutes to be ready, some things does not load right and, i cant upload to the NG dump a file bigger than 2 MB. so i think will be "good" for because it will be faster and will work better. the only thing im worried is if i loose important stuff :S

Posted by juanford66 - July 20th, 2015

im so excited to see wat submisions could be released dis year! :D REALM 2 looks freakin amazin, and cethic and eshio collab too!. well about me, i didnt started my MD project but ill start soon i hope when i get finished with my current project. at least i hope a gud year, better dan 2014 and 2015. so, wat do u expect for dis year?

EDIT: Incident:016M is almost done, i think ill get finished the project between this and the next week ;), but wont be released util end of this month.


  • Incident:016M__99,5% done(almost there :D)
  • Madness Ilumination 3___4/8 scenes done.
  • Djjaner's collab___0/1 parts done.


Posted by juanford66 - June 23rd, 2015

Gujit did finally released his collab, is a nice one, a lot of good parts maybe the only mistake could be the audio, but aniways click here and go watch it ;)

other news. Incident:016M is about 65% done, Gibb50 and me will continue soon with Madness Ilumination 3. dats all.

Posted by juanford66 - May 30th, 2015

soon, in 2 weeks or less ill hav summer holidays! 2-3 months of free time and to spend working on some projects! i might finish Incident:016M and probably Madness Ilumination 3 this summer, another submision that could be released too its Gujit's collab i dunno if he will release it before MD or not. aniways, my current project its about 50% done and +1600 frames of progress.

PD: also here is a pic of me animating wit some gud stuff  ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)


Posted by juanford66 - April 27th, 2015

yup, ibe recently started with my next solo project, this time ill have an obligatory release date, 27th of August. ill go posting my progress few times per week here, number of frames and kills done and dat...also ibe finished with my parts for Gujit's collab.

hav a nice day :)

Movie progress:

  • 04/27/2015____ first 548 frames of the movie done!
  • 04/29/2015____ +170 frames, frame count: 718 frames, no body count for the moment.
  • 05/01/2015____+194 frames, frame count: 912 frames.
  • 05/03/2015____+100 frames, frame count: 1012 frames, it comes the part of more work, the kills.
  • 05/05/2015____+80 frames, frame count: 1092 frames, body count: 2.
  • 05/07/2015____no new frames but yes 2 more kills. frame count: 1092 frames, body count: 4.
  • 05/09/2015____first scene finished, about 1119 frames done.
  • 05/13/2015____+125 frames, starting the 2nd scene, frame count: 1244 frames, body count: 4.
  • 05/16/2015____+0 frames, +2 kills. frame count: 1244 frames, body count: 6.
  • 05/18/2015____+100 frames, +1 kill. frame count: 1344 frames, body count: 7.
  • 05/20/2015____+61 frames, +1 kill. frame count: 1405 frames, body count: 8.
  • 05/23/2015____+80 frames, +1 kill. frame count: 1485 frames, body count: 9.
  • 05/25/2015____+0 frames, +2 kills. frame count: 1485 frames, body count: 11.
  • 05/27/2015____+90 frames, frame count: 1575 frames, body count: 11.

Posted by juanford66 - April 12th, 2015

PizzaGod Pro Adventures 2 its out, go and watch it :D i hope u like it.

Next projects: 

  • Incident:016M
  • Madness Ilumination 3

EDIT: 400 Fans!!! wohooo!!! thank you so much guys really ;)