
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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Seems legit.


well there is something similiar to this collab http://seindark.newgrounds.com/news/post/942211

ow... i see :C damn it, i was thinkin i was the first...

haha, i knew that thing long ago but i ll never though there were a Ponie version !

i hope this collab can work, because i think already other animator of ng are trying to make something similar. i was wondering i was the only one who had the idea, but who knows. about the pony version, yeah it suprised to me too when i saw it, i suponse there is more versions of this "door collab"

nevermind, i`m join :X

Ok, ur in :) wellcome to the collab!

Nice idea


Btw i like the idea, the only thing you can do it's add a rule -10. Make a creative background like jungle, city, beach and etc etc. Btw i maybe I will join idk

Yeah its a good idea tho :D

Nice idea!
Goodluck with collab!

ty :)

Very cool and different idea, so all we need to do is to make a grunt to go to the next door from left-to-right? Is it like crossing a road? Hmmmm.. maybe I can join after I give u some test, because you can't just trust people because they may be bad xD Something we need to know is about the dimensions or sise.

u can see the explample videos ibe added on the post, more or less the idea its that the grunt must appear from one door and try to cross the door from the other side, and be creative.

just a note, you should sent to all collaborators a "base" fla
or else doors or dimensions will get different, which will look weird sometimes.

u mean like dimensions of the camera or dat? hmmm yeah ill see dat thing.

the collab concept is pretty simple, make a madness grunt walking from a right door thought a left door, make something unusual happens, its a thing of 4 seconds or less, but try to make it more than 4 seconds of lenght, i will do what i can

im sure you can do it :)


why? i didnt said that the idea is mine.

I would like to go, but I have to improve.
Good luck with the Collab!~

Thanks :)

why I did not Steal the test...............

the third one sure is stolen, its not the first time that u show me that one.

Also There was A stick figure Version

yeah, there is a lot of tributes of that for me is an original idea

Oke Doke

Also Do we Make Floor And Doors?

ibe talked with gabriel, he only wants experient people, sorry :(

Can It be Any sprites

sorry but you must improve first

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