since a few days, when my flash program was broken, i was thinking to do a small collab but not a normal and unoriginal madness collab, something "diferent" so, i saw videos of collaborations of other things about doors, so i said: why not pass this to madness? so, the rules are simple:
- 1.the main character is a grunt
- 2.must do that the char cross two doors, one of the left, to the right door.
- 3.try to make a suces, like he falls, or steal something, or sidestep the balls of some agents... can hav kills but, not make a simple madness clip with kills and dat...
- 4.the clip cant be longer than 12 seconds, but not shorter than 4.
- 5.minimum 2 clips per member, maximum of 5.
- porn.
- 7.u must send me a pm with the swf. file to watch it, and the fla. to download it.
- 8. dont delete the file util the release date of the collab(in case if i loose the files)
- 9.30fps
- 10.file sice, around 640x190.
- juanford66(0/3)
- Vassline(0)
- GabrielBarsch(0)
- Tr3yo(0/2)
- ????
- ????
- ????
- ????
- ????
- ????
Deadline: 30 of january, 2016.
links from the videos ibe based my idea, this can help u to understand my idea.
Seems legit.