
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - March 5th, 2016

almost 2 months of the last update of this collab and, well i have some news about how is going and a think that you never expected for a collab, and is SFM clips! yea, 3D madness animations ;) its a new concept that we like to implement on this collab, also we recived the first clips and almost decided the song.

EDIT: Almost forgot, Madness Beaconfication 2 its going on the right way, i have around 2200 frames and about the 60% of the movie done, and if all goes well it could be released in 2 months aproximetly.


Deadline: 20th of August.


  1. Simon Viklund - Razormind
  2. Outsider-run

Posted by juanford66 - February 20th, 2016

i really dont know what to say, but yeah, working on a solo project(Beaconfication 2), i have already done about 2000 frames and i hope can release it on May.

Madness Ilumination 3 i really dunno i think this project is dead cuz Gibb didnt tell me nothing about his scenes and i varely think that this will continue.

about Madness Extermination 5 still making progress :) but not much news, some people sended his first clips.

Madness Comix Animated? well... its an idea that i have on mind, could be all or almost all of my comix animated in a solo project(or collaborative i dunno) but the idea in general liked me a lot, if ill do it i could start it around this summer alternating with my Extermination 5 clips.

thats all for now, if i have any important things to say ill update my post.

Posted by juanford66 - February 3rd, 2016

some months ago ibe made a post similar for someone who want to know things about be: for people who didnt had the oportunity, ill give you another try.

rules are simple, dont be shy, only dont be a jerk or an idiot make normal questions k ;)?

Posted by juanford66 - January 16th, 2016

time for another collab update guys ;), this time ill show you the rules, not much changes on the member list, only 2 new members:

  1. use macromedia flash 8 or any compatible flash program with this one.
  2. minimum 8 seconds per clip.
  3. maximum 2 clips per member, will be a collab with a lot of people so we dont wanna make a 8-9 min collab.
  4. black background.
  5. no porn or discriminatory/racist themes.
  6. v-cam size 640x360, we will use and special v-cam that we will publish the download link soon.
  7. deadline: 25 of august.
  8. be original ;)



solo project news: Madness Beaconfication 2 reached the 1000 frames :D!

Posted by juanford66 - January 4th, 2016

someone that knows make good art/draws can make one of my character? if you dont mind, its for my icon and i really suck at this ._.

if someone does not know already or is asking how it is, here is a screenshot. if someone can do it ill be very thankful <3

EDIT: new icon!rogueretrospect did an amazing work drawing my character, maybe on the next days i could add a background to make a better icon, but thanks a lot. aniways if someone still interested can make another draw of my char, would mean a lot for me :D.


Posted by juanford66 - January 1st, 2016

wohoo!!! 2016 finally its here! another year that got gone and other that comes. i hope u all have a nice year and good luck with ur upcomming projects and real life too ;). Also, Djjaner did released his Madness Bodyless Collab 3 so go watch it and give to him a 5 ;).

Now time to talk about probably all my 2016 projects:

  1. Madness Beaconfication 2(currently on progress, about 800 frames done)
  2. Madness Ilumination 3(Gibb and i didnt had time enough, so i hope can release it around this year)
  3. Madness Extermination Collab 5(dual collab project with GabrielBarsch, will come for this next Madness Day)
  4. Madness Beaconfication 3/Christmas Short(i really dont know, if i have time i could try to release both of the animations, if not ill try to make at least or beaconfication 3 or the christmas short)
  5. join on a few collabs, also if i have time, behind project and project i could try to join on some collabs of other people.


PD: more Extermination 5 news on the next post! see ya, hav a nice day ;)


Posted by juanford66 - December 25th, 2015

merry christmas to everyone! finally my favorite part of the year did come. i hope u all are enjoying this holidays with ur family, friends, and near people; aniways, has ibe promised here is the first update of the member list for Madness Extermination 5!


Also, ibe started on a new solo project, Madness Beaconfication 2, ibe already done the first 700 frames and i hope can release the movie between april and may of 2016. dats all, more updates soon in the next post, see ya! and hav a nice merry holidays <3!!!!

Posted by juanford66 - December 2nd, 2015

first of all, Madness Doors Collab is canceled, due that seindark got the idea first. but, dont worry m8! its a bit soon i know, but me and gabriel will start to host the 5th part of this collab series between this and next month. we need the best animators of the madness comunity, so if you are interested to join let us know. and yeah this one will be 100% probable that will be released!

if you are new you can check the previous collabs clicking the below links ;)

Madness Extermination Collab(2012)

Madness Extermination Collab 2(2012)

Madness Extermination Collab 3(2013)

Madness Extermination Collab 4(2014)


PD: the collab rules & list will be added on this post soon.

EDIT: dont worry about the member list, we sent a lot of mensajes to previous collab members and other good animators, i hope have the list this month.

oh yeah, and ibe made a test.

Posted by juanford66 - November 1st, 2015

my birthday come one more time, 20 years now... wow, the time past so fast, i dunno wat to say. the previous day(halloween) ibe celebrated my birthday a lot with my friends, maybe too much hehe damn backwash :s

the next days ill try to spend the time with my parents, this time more relaxed.

20 years... omg... i cant belive it.

next days ill update the post with news about my animations, se ya!

EDIT: 2, Nov- Bad news i think, this last week i had like 6 blue screens(3 of them today), and the problem seems to be something with "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" dat seems a big problem.

EDIT: 6, Nov- problem solved, it was the wifi driver, when ibe formated the pc, the guys from the shop installed a more updated wifi driver to my pc, and with the windows updates it created uncompatibilities that caused that blue screens, so be installed the wifi driver that my pc had from the fabric. and the very good news, ibe didnt lost any important stuff :D.

EDIT: 12, Nov-hell yeah!!!! finally! afther 2 months of problems with the file, ibe finished the scene 4 of madness ilumination 3, now gibb can continue with the next scene :D. but sadly the movie wont be released util 2016, i hope in the first 3-4 months of the next year.

Posted by juanford66 - October 24th, 2015

since june i cant upload to ng a file bigger than 1 or 2mb, and this started to angry me, i dont know what the hell is goin on! but in other pages like dropbox i can perfectly upload fla. and swf. files.

ill tell you what happen: i click to upload a file, i select the file, and the % progress starts... but it stops in a number 35%...60% for example, and stops; other times the progress number desappear and its like it isnt uploading nothing.

i dont have an slow internet speed, ibe formated the pc about few months ago and i didnt reached the 30% of the dump capacity. i dont know the real reason why this is happening to me, i dunno too if this kind of problem happen to more people but its a real trouble at the time to upload a movie or upload files to the dump.

EDIT: ibe deleted the cookies and the problem still happening :\ 

talking about another things, Madness Door Collab is going great, we have some candidates to join, i hope that this can be a good collab ;)