
Age 29, Male

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my flash program is broken

Posted by juanford66 - October 5th, 2015

since yesterday, my flash program its like broken. cant do a test movie, cant open files, when i try to open something that ibe already opened it appear dat:

While executing, the following JavaScript error(s) ocurred:

Cannot find file file:///C|/users/USUARIO/Downloads/archivosflash8/MADNESS_LOADER.fla


when i try to open a new file it appear dat:

While executing, the following JavaScript error(s) ocurred:

Exception thrown in native function


and when i try to create a new file, the program does not open a new file. im really fucked up, if someone PLEASE can HELP ME??! im really worried beacuse i cant animate, i cant basically do nothing and i dont know why this happened, this is a serious problem!

NEWS: seems that  i can open some files, others appear the errors that ibe tell in the post,the test movie does not work, only test scene; its like the program crashes and i cant create a new file. ill uninstall and back to install the program again this week, and ill tell u if it worked or not, aniways any help would be wellcome.

Good news, i guess, ibe reinstalled the flash8 again, all seems ok except one thing, the archive that i have the scene of ilumination 3 crashes the program, its like i open it and the test movie does not work, i try to copy the frames to other file and when i do dat the program crashes, so its like i cant continue with that scene i dunno what to do, anyone can help me with dat? because i dont wana do all the scene again :s



Maybe uninstalls software and after reinstalls software.

yeh ill probably try dat this week, but if someone could tell me how to fix it without doing dat would be prefect :(, thanks for commenting aniways

I really have no clue. Did you install something nasty lately, maybe a Windows update?

hmmm i dunno, i still using windows 7 has i always did. the last windows update was like a week before i started to sufer that problem(and i dont think a simple update can do dat, or yes who knows). since i formated my pc, the only thing ibe installed was the flash8, minecraft and skype so i dont think could be dat, i dunno. ill try to unistall and install the flash8 again this week if there is no other option, im a bit scared beacuse never in 4 years ibe had such problem with the program :\

Did you tried to reinstall flash/Java?

no for the moment, java runs ok (i think) because i use games with java and they work fine. but could be an option if afther re-install it still with the problem.

I can help you get flash again but I will have to wait until my internet is back on >:(

(I am posting this comment from a friend's house)

I think i have the flash8 in a memory disc, the only thing i could do its uninstalling the program, put the cd and install flash8 again, that errors seems from javascript code or something, in 4 years the maximum thing that happened to me was an "unexpected file format" and dats when u try to open a file from a program that isnt compatible with mine. Ibe changed java, 6 to the 7, and 7 to the 8 in dat time and never fucked up the flash8.

Oh D:
Maybe you'll try to download Adobe Pro CS5.5?

If i can still using flash 8 would be nice, its the program that i always used, the things that are happening to me is really weird, i never had dat, get other flash program(by free ofcourse) is an option, but i hope that wont be necesary.

Aniways thanks for commenting :)