im so excited to see wat submisions could be released dis year! :D REALM 2 looks freakin amazin, and cethic and eshio collab too!. well about me, i didnt started my MD project but ill start soon i hope when i get finished with my current project. at least i hope a gud year, better dan 2014 and 2015. so, wat do u expect for dis year?
EDIT: Incident:016M is almost done, i think ill get finished the project between this and the next week ;), but wont be released util end of this month.
- Incident:016M__99,5% done(almost there :D)
- Madness Ilumination 3___4/8 scenes done.
- Djjaner's collab___0/1 parts done.
My movie is.....Um...10 Scene,i am in 4,Scene,4 is harder that shit, cause, Hank is there and jebus auditor too and gonna make spooky scary skeletons
sounds good mate ;)