
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - September 2nd, 2016

yup, i said it on my previous post but ibe decided to make a reminder post for everyone who missed that and want to be on it. it is easy, you only must tell me about it by PM or commenting on this post, also dont forget to send me your madness character sprites file compatible with flash 8 if its possible ;).

Also! 20 days util Madness Day pals! Dj Madness is on his last scene so all prefect at the moment, see ya in a few weeks :D.

Posted by juanford66 - August 12th, 2016

oh yeh bby, Madness Day is gettin closer and closer and its time to talk about my plans for dat special day <3!.

first of all, Madness Extermination Collab 5 is going pretty well, deadline ends on the next week(Monday, 15th) and almost everyone did his clips, u can check the progress on GabrielBarsch's last post.

DJ Madness, working on the 3rd scene and about 1500 frames done, i have around the 60% of the movie finished so it sould be ready for MD too.

oh, and i dont forget this Madness Days post card too, if someone is interested to appear on it, dont forget to tell me about it commenting on the post or send me a pm :P. dats all for now guys see ya in da next post!.

Posted by juanford66 - July 22nd, 2016

yeah, for those who didnt noticed or didnt readed my lastest tweets, i had an issue with my laptop so i was like 1 week with out can animate on DJ Madness. now that i have my computer finally at home, its time to back to work, i only hope can get finished the animation for this MD :s(and that the computer is really fixed ofcourse). 

EDIT: about 1200 frames done on DJ Madness, not much but still progress.

thats all for now, another small post yeah.

Posted by juanford66 - July 11th, 2016

nothing much, DJ Madness is going good, i have around the first 600 frames done and is going on the right way, it sould be done for MD. And Extermination 5 is good, we recived a lot of clips, but nothing in the last weeks but we hope have some more; thats almost all, so yea, see ya and enjoy the summer holidays ;) if you are on it! if not, have a nice day :P!

Posted by juanford66 - June 19th, 2016

afther finish my 2 clips for the Madness Extermination 5 collab, i will have time to start a small movie called DJ Madness, has i said on my previous post will be a remake of an old canceled project, ibe already maked the sprites of the main protagonist and i sould start to make the first scene of the movie soon, the objetive is try to release it on Madness Day, if i fail ill try to release it not much later.

EDIT:06/24/2016- Extermination 4 that got down on You Tube finally did back, you can now enjoy it on that plataform again ;).

almost forgot, here is the pimp boeh, what do u think? ;) haha(i suck makin my own characters right? >.>)


Posted by juanford66 - June 4th, 2016

long time no see hehe, well, summer is almost here, im near to my holydays and that will mean more free time. soon GabrielBarsch will make a most about more Extermination 5 updates, we got a lot of new clips :D.

also, i have a few plans for this summer, ibe already finished my first clip for the upcoming Madness Day collab and ibe recently started the second, but i want to do more things, for example make a short movie for MD, will be called DJ Madness, sounds familiar uh? no? well it was my very very first attept to make a movie around 2011 it was suposted to be a collaborative project with ZANCHERS's old account but the project was dead, so almost 5 years afther ibe decided to make it myself, will be like a incident more or less and i hope can be a nice movie. 

thats all for now guys ;), see ya on my next post!

Posted by juanford66 - May 7th, 2016

oh boeh, finally its here, ibe released Madness Beaconfication 2, go check it out :D!

also the movie got the 3rd Daily Place omg!

next thing ill start with my clips for Madness Extermination 5, and maybe if i have time release an short madness movie for Madness Day ;)

Posted by juanford66 - May 5th, 2016

Madness Beaconfication 2 its 99.5% done, only the music left! and i dont know why i cant import to the library the .mp3 file of the song, problems and more problems, damn it!!!! when i try to add the song the following mensaje appears:

one or more files where no imported because there where problems reading them.

first time i have this problem. ibe almost allways did that, download the file and export to library and all was .mp3 files.

Posted by juanford66 - April 12th, 2016

im almost done with Madness Beaconfication 2, ibe started the last scene few days ago, so yea... soon, in 2-3 weeks or something if i dont have any isue with the file or pc the movie could be finally released; dats all, sorry for the short post, next one i hope will be about the movie release and moar Extermination collab 5 updates ;)!

Posted by juanford66 - March 24th, 2016

3 weeks since my "last post", and i dont know much to say, i still working on Madness Beaconfication 2 and the progress its ok, about 2600 frames and 5 scenes done so i think ill can finish it in 2 months or less; also im waiting for the release of Vassline's Hallucination collab 2, seems he is waiting for some members that didnt finished his parts. nothing more to say, afther finish Beaconfication 2 ill probably start with my clips for Extermination 5, i have a few plans more for this year, but ill sure explain it on the next post.

also, dont forget to follow me on my Twitter, i usully tweet more ofthen the progress of my projects and maybe info about other things related with madness.

EDIT: oh, one more thing, since few weeks, when i enter on Ng and in another pages(not all) when i scroll down or up to see it, the window of the page turn black like an error of load, and i must refresh the page to "solve it" this doesnt happen to me the 100% of the time but maybe the 20%, ibe re-installed the brownser and i still having this "problem". someone is sufering this too or know why happens?

EDIT 2: Hallucination 2 collab was finally released, click here to see Vassline's amazin collab ;).

dats all for now.