since june i cant upload to ng a file bigger than 1 or 2mb, and this started to angry me, i dont know what the hell is goin on! but in other pages like dropbox i can perfectly upload fla. and swf. files.
ill tell you what happen: i click to upload a file, i select the file, and the % progress starts... but it stops in a number 35%...60% for example, and stops; other times the progress number desappear and its like it isnt uploading nothing.
i dont have an slow internet speed, ibe formated the pc about few months ago and i didnt reached the 30% of the dump capacity. i dont know the real reason why this is happening to me, i dunno too if this kind of problem happen to more people but its a real trouble at the time to upload a movie or upload files to the dump.
EDIT: ibe deleted the cookies and the problem still happening :\
talking about another things, Madness Door Collab is going great, we have some candidates to join, i hope that this can be a good collab ;)
it must be your internet browser, try firefox, or chrome
juanford66 (Updated )
ibe always used chrome, but this time i could try internet explorer.
edit: explorer is even worse .___. oh god...