
Age 29, Male

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its Flash content dying?

Posted by juanford66 - December 12th, 2016

First of all, i have bad news about it, some you will know others no, Chrome will stop to suport and probably block Flash content on February 2017; what this means? that if we will want to still use flash on chrome, we will must install it manually or use another browser that will still to suport it.

the thing is... im worried about this site, cuz is a Flash portal, i dont really know what will happen with these flash submisions, movies & games, will die? there will be another option to still to be watched?, i dont really know what will do Newgrounds with this problem.

i dont really know but, HTML5 i think it can run .swf files(produced by flash programs), so maybe that could be an option, and maybe only maybe these Flash movies & games can still alive. 

other option can be pass it to other format, but it seems a lot of work, and, personally i only have the files of my submisions from 2014 to now, dont know what will happen with all my 2012-2013 animations. and not only my clase, im sure that a lot of people have this problem too; so, we only must wait and see what happens in the next 2 months.


PD: im finishing my christmas movie so, it can be released pretty soon, in 1-2 weeks ;).


Everything dies once, but for this, its just a matter of the future.

yeah, sadly.

im using Mozilla Firefox do they support Flash content ?

i dont know, i only weart about chrome, but i guess firefox will do it too in the future.

Que bueno que tengo los 3 episodios de AMA guardados en mi PC, pero en caso de que quiera salvar a fall of the mafia (como es mi primera animacion subida a NG), tendria que encontrar alguna manera de descargar el .swf y guardarlo tambien, asi en todo caso los grabo a todos con el Camtasia Studio y los subo en formato de video

Yo no tengo la mitad de mis animaciones, y no se como hacerlo para descargar o recuperar el .swf en caso de que a partir de febrero sea inútil, y eso me preocupa, otra sería como pasarlo a formato de vídeo .mp4 que no se como, pero mientras se sigua pudiendo subir el formato .swf... Porque no?

And da' tests!
Jeez , i think this site need to be more , "hmph".
I mean we need to upload videos instead of Swf, please!, i don't want that.
Freacking Chrome!
I need to calm down i know.
I think all of the flash source will be erased in the future, im worrying more and more about that.

I hope that future isnt near XD, well and too that they pass to html5, to continue uploading flash.

Right as you made this post Krinkels uploaded a new animation :P

About this thing? XD