
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - September 22nd, 2014

i had several internet problems this last days, but im here, just for dat spesul dei <333!!! i hope ur enjoying dat awesome madness cartoons, me too. also Extermination 4 will sufer a little delay, were waiting for more parts, and will be released tomorrow 23rd. 

 Madness Extermination Collab 4 its out! go watch it and vote :DDD

EDIT: 3rd Daily Place :u, i was expecting more, but dats something i guess.

here is my TOP 5 of best madness cartoons for this MD:

PD: i didnt added Extermination 4 beacuse its my and gabriel own submision, so... whats your top 5 of this year uh?.

Posted by juanford66 - September 9th, 2014

2 weeks!!! also, ill make a new MD post card like the previous years, so if someone want to be on it send me his char sprites,fla. file in flash 8 pls and if u want hehe a swf. file to check it out ur awesome char, so dats all. next post on MADNESS DAY '14!!!

PD: pls dont delete the link of ur sprites util MD, becus probably ill wont donwnload it in the same day or util i hav time.

EDIT: 5 days for MD 2014 bby <3!

Posted by juanford66 - August 24th, 2014

1 month gentlemens, 1 month, Madness Day its here, i really cant wait to see all the movies that will be released on 22nd of september. also i must show you the collab progress, it had a lot since the last post i made about it ;)


Total Clips: 21

Posted by juanford66 - August 4th, 2014

so, its august, half of summer pased and september its more and more near... and madness day too! so how are going ur project for dat special day uh? ;). Extermination 4 looks great +10 clips done and waiting for more. less than 50 days... 50 days...

Posted by juanford66 - July 14th, 2014

collab is having new members, and im progressing on my solo movie afther 1 week with out animating, reached the 2000 frames and i hope do a movie of 4000 frames at least and release it for my birthday...

COLLAB RULES, very important

Posted by juanford66 - July 2nd, 2014

heheh... this is my 100th post... well, few things to say... workin on my collab parts and dont much more, im a bit lazy so i only finished my first part. about the collab, pretty gud, almost full wit the best animators i think i can get and already 3 parts done, i hope more progress on this comming weeks. and about my solo movie, i prefer finish my collab parts before continue wit dat, i hav already done 1800 frames, but for now the progress its stoped. no more news for now.


also, collab rules, check it out

Posted by juanford66 - June 13th, 2014

omg! its here, summer holidays!!!! 3 moths of freedom x), and dat means more time to play games and ofcourse animate! ill probably wont hav more submisions util Madness Day, the only one, Djjaner's collab; but it doesnt mean that ill wont be working, ill be animating my collab parts, a madness movie and a project wit Cethic i hope.


PD: the football 2014 world cup started few days ago, who do u think will win this cup?

EDIT: damm it!!! spain why u played so bad??? out of the football world cup in two matches, 5-1 and 2-0,worst start for a world champion team. so... go go brazil, go!!! xD


also dont forget check the collab rules, VERY IMPORTANT.

Posted by juanford66 - June 1st, 2014

Finally!!!! 1st of june, so anyone who want join TELL ME NOW!!!!1

this really must be a epic collab so if someone know good animators who can join, dont forget tell me, comenting on the post, by skype or sending me a pm, any help will be wellcome.

  • -30fps.
  • -Flash 8 or something compatible.
  • -not sexual content.
  • -minimum 6 seconds and maximum 40 seconds per clip.
  • -black background.
  • -when you send me a clip. tittle of the mensaje: clip "number of the clip" and with the swf. file and fla. file.
  • -dont delete the link of the part util the release date, because if we loose it, we can recover it going to that private mensaje.
  • -be original.
  • DEADLINE: 20th of september, but try send us the clips 1 or 2 days before, because if the collab could hav bugs, we would hav time to fix it and release the movie at time ;)


Posted by juanford66 - May 26th, 2014

ill start to host my Madness Day collab with probably gabriel in 5 days, so someone who are interested to join can comment on this post or send me a private mensaje ;)

Deadline probably will be 20th of september.

soo... ARE YOU READY?!

Posted by juanford66 - May 11th, 2014

so here is my new spam movie. 


this will be a new spam series ill do for this year, will have like 3 parts, and i hope make the comming parts with more people like on xxxx1234 and epic randomes series. now go watch it, and vote 5 <333!!!! also, this is my 30th submision!!! i never thinked when i started that i would be on 30 submisions ;D.

EDIT: in the next comming days ill try to back on serius animations and do some test and upload it to this post ;) the spam movies is not the only thing that i want to do.

EDIT: the spam movie got the 5th daily place!!! im so happy!!!! and lucky, dont u?

EDIT: has i said, back to serious animation again, i did this small test http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/51a6c9bb88a5d4c108082bf43b9be93d ...oh and... someone knows how to put the text linked? i still dont understand at all the actual post design of NG.