
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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1,763 / 1,880
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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - May 1st, 2014

if u readed my previus post u will kno it, ill release soon a new spam series movie this month, i have already done about 2400 frames and i really want too finish this movie.about other animations... ilumination 3 its like stoped, gibb i think he didnt animated too much, but in the future ill try make more serious animations like hotdogfication, probably for chirstmas or this summer. nothing more to say...


more information about the spam project: follow meh on twitter! juanford66@juanford66

Posted by juanford66 - April 15th, 2014

i dont have almost nothing to do, ibe finished my collab parts for djjaner's collab and i released like few weeks ago the spam movie i was working, so what i sould do now?

well... ilumination 3 still on the 4th scene ;(, now its on progress 2 new spam movies, one collaborative with Cethic and more animators, ant the other... its a secret that u will see on May if i can finish it fot that month.


Thats all for now.

Posted by juanford66 - March 27th, 2014

5 moths afther the last one(Epic Randomes 3) here is moar spam, my new movie: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/636386-Dont touch my Coffeeh! in honor to GabrielBarsch and his favorite drink xD.

Also... Cethic and me are making the story line of a new spam series like xxxx1234 spam adventures or Epic Randomes, we will need one or more animators to participate on this saga, that will be colaborative like the 2013 series. so if you are good enough and u wanna be on dis, dont forget send me a pm, a comment or talk with me for skype.

oh... and, spam collab is canceled... but dont worry, if u are a member of this canceled collab, you can use it for my definitive collab: Madness Extermination Collab 4, will be like the last year, ill start to host it on 1st of June, and the release date will be MD2014.


EDIT: wat the...? xDDD


PerryPetter167 sent 2 hours ago:

Pls PM me if you have any collab..i wanna join T-T



PerryPetter167 sent 2 hours ago:

Give me your sound pack pls....sound like when then grunt being shot and it has scream sound..

PM me when you got it...

Posted by juanford66 - March 15th, 2014

well, its time to make questions for me, ill try answer all of it (except stupid ones, dat it isnt count)

EDIT: bored... someone knows a good collab that i could join? :1

juanford and gibb :DDD i did this while gibb is making his ilumination 3 scene http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/64aa5998bf96ee1e483f08e6f1284175


Posted by juanford66 - March 9th, 2014


Heragij's collab is done :) 6 mins of awesome collab, vote 5!!!

EDIT:  heragij's collab trophies: 2nd daily place, and... and Underdog of the week, LOL

Posted by juanford66 - February 17th, 2014

yesterday ibe isntalled steam on my computer, so ill probably will be playing Team Fortress 2 a lot this next days so ill probably wont animate too much; if someone want play with me, add me on skype or steam ;)

EDIT: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/5ba962687bac76e637c20da1c7dd79fa second test of the year, next one ill try make a melee test. also someone knows how to put a test linked? i still dont know the new NG post design :1

Madness Ilumination 3 progress:

  • scene 1(me)[DONE]
  • scene 2(Gibb50)[DONE]
  • scene 3(me)[DONE]
  • scene 4(Gibb50)
  • scene 5(me)
  • scene 6(Gibb50)
  • scene 7(me)
  • scene 8(Gibb50)

Frame count: about 1350 frames

Posted by juanford66 - February 4th, 2014

dats was my secret project, i kno is a bit short, but i did want to release something this year so... HERE IS <3333 go watch it and vote 5 LELEL!!


Madness Spam clips:

  • juanford66[DONE]
  • Gibb50
  • Frotzer[DONE]
  • ZaracaM
  • Cethic
  • ExAker
  • Dawcio510


Posted by juanford66 - January 27th, 2014

making a small thing to release it on february, dats all... and its about 70% done.

EDIT: i have reached the 1500 frames, this will be done soon, maybe this next week ;)

now you can follow me on twitter: juanford66@juanford66 ;)

Posted by juanford66 - January 6th, 2014

i was thinking this last days if i sould release something more this 2014. and i decided to do this, in honor to a lost member of the madness comunity, ExAker:

Madness Spam clips

  • juanford66-[DONE]
  • Frotzer
  • Gibb50
  • Cethic
  • ZaracaM
  • ExAker
  • Dawcio510
  • ????

this is like a "collab" i need 7 members more who wants to make a long spam part like the spam movies i did the last year, here is the rules:

  • no human faces
  • no sexual content
  • black background
  • 30fps
  • be original and funny
  • minimum 10 sec(300 frames)
  • maximum 30 sec(900 frames)
  • In Flash8 pls thats the program i use.
  • when you did finished the part, send me in swf. to see it and fla. to download it.

Deadline: 12nd february

Collab song: http://youtu.be/JreQrmHH8M0

EDIT: ive bought  GTA V, someone wants to play with meh? :P

Posted by juanford66 - January 2nd, 2014

afther 8 days offline, im back!!! and ready to animate!!! so, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! 

heh! i made this like 1 week ago with gibb's help http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/342b177abf69df6ddcc14177e3013fd4

original idea: http://youtu.be/Ktbhw0v186Q

first test of the year: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f561c5643f708ddb4f6170572d96902b