
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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Finally, almost done.

Posted by juanford66 - August 4th, 2018

my part for the Greedy Collab is almost done. finally, i know, im a lazy fuck on animation but im glad that afther 4 months im almost done with this clip, wich for the length it looks more like a movie cuz ibe done around 3500 frames for it(sorry Dudin), you probably will not be able to watch it until the collab is done; but i like to tell how it is going.

nothing much to say really cuz thats the only thing ibe been working on the last months; since ibe reached 1.000 subs on YouTube ibe decided to make a short special animation, ill try to be creative, we will see in a few months how will look. dont worry, i have planed to upload it on both sytes, Newgrounds and YouTube.

for me thats all, have a great summer! or winter if youre on the oposite side of the world.




Really glad that ur going to finish it >W>

thanks -w-

Duding pushing back the deadline a year was a really stupid thing to do.

dunno it his descision, i think 15 august is ok, but i guess he have his reasons to extend it, for me has long has he releases the collab im ok.

@Jsoull Maybe but at least we will see the collab

@Leonstar2021 It is very likely that we won't. People currently working on the collab aren't going to finish their parts until late next year, due to how they'd already be improving their skills by then, so finishing it now would make them look bad. It should have been delayed to Halloween or New Years, not next year.

You don't know how to correclty place hands after 8 years of animating, pogchamp

be nice kid.

I'm always nice, furry.

hard to belive |:\, btw its sad to see that u still using that word has an insult but hey, good try kiddo.

it's sad to see your terribly low english level and a mind able to remember only one insult aswell, which is "kiddo". Believie me, your age changes nothing, beacuse inside your manlet body you're still a baby who likes my little pony. Grow up

grow up and start to respect the others, is sad to see that the only way you know to call the atenttion is insult people for what they like while it should bother you a single crap, thats act like a kid or a inmature. and dont start with the thing "u know what trolling is?" cuz if you do it so many times i start to doubt about it. pathetic, do to us a favor and stop being a butthurt on the comunity. and i think ill going to stop to pay u attention cuz is useless wasting more time with u.

oh and fun fact u said u dont like cartoons, then why there are cartoons on you fav list?, why you animate madness combat, cuz thats a cartoon too, a cartoon made by a furry ;)

What happen to your Parag 2 part?

i never really was on the collab, jssoul kicked me barely 2 weeks afther join.