its out, afther 4 moths of delay, because the original release date was for june, but aniways... go fast and click here to watch it and vote 5 :D, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDOMES!! <333
-long time with out talking about ilumination 2. im working on it but slow; about 2450-2500 frames done and ill try release it this year. and i have more news, probably ill makeilumination 3 with gibb50 and will be more longer, about 4000 frames minimum but dats for 2014...
if you want to see the previus episodies:
Epic Randomes 1
Epic Randomes 2
EDIT-17th, october: im bored... so i maked this test (Randomes sprites by Tr3yo)
now im thinking on the song for my next animation and a have for now 3 choices, what to do you like?
But anyway you could make it longer :c
juanford66 (Updated )
yeh i could, but gibb and me had much problems... ExAker quit NG... and i was busy with the collab...