here finally, my madness day submision:
Madness Extermination Collab 3
and i must say a thing. 1000 thanks to GabrielBarsch to help me with the collab, i think this is the best collab ibe hosted at this moment, 1000 thanks too to all collab members to work hard on his clips to make this collab possible. next Extermination collab? yeah... ill make the 4th Extermination collab for next MD like this year.
something more...? yes,Epic Randomes 3 its 90% done, so be ready because will be released soon, i might release it on october.
EDIT: Epic randomes 3 almost done, only 1 scene left >:)
EDIT:(6th, october)- Epic Randomes 3 ITS DONE, you only must wait only 2 days more to watch it.
EDIT:OH MAI GAD!!!2nd daily place :D thank you guys!!!!
uhh, with all submission, i dont think there wil having a MD2014.
yeh, probably this year had less submisions than 2012 i think 2014 will be the last MD