more news about the 3rd episodie of XXXX1234 spam series, the progress is getting too slow but in progress and im not sure if this will be released this month or not.
-i will make 7 madness comix more, if you have an original idea that could like me, dont forget comment in my post ;)
-finally, click here and watch the new sexy krinkels incident
EDIT: i did a new M4DNU5H C0MIX u wana see????
EDIT: oh good, i did a SECOND ONE
EDIT: here is the number three!!1 ;)
EDIT: comix number four
intro: ExAker -50% done
scene 1: Viridian [DONE]
scene 2: juanford66 [DONE]
scene 3: gibb50 [DONE]
scene 4:gibb50 [DONE]
scene 5: ZaracaM
scene 6: juanford66 [DONE]
scene 7: ExAker- [DONE]
scene 8: ZaracaM
scene 9: Viridian- in progress
scene 10: juanford66 [DONE]
final intro: ExAker
hello? when is upload your collab?
hello? did you read my previous post?