
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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Irregular madness progress:

Posted by juanford66 - January 12th, 2012

yes, today i will start with the 3º scene of Irregular madness :P and i hope finish it in 2 weeks. In principle, the animation will have 8 scenes... and will be released on march or may, we'll see...I'll show the progress of the scene all the days(if i can)...
-Irregular Madness scene 3 progress:
-1/12/2012____44 frames
-1/13/2012____134 frames
-1/14/2011____287 frames
-1/15/2011____344 frames
-1/16/2011____410 frames
-1/18/2011____ almost done,correcting some errors...
-1/19/2012____DONE__410 frames___13,7 seconds :P


NG chat: http://xat.com/TheNewgroundsPlace
EDIT:-1/14/2012-im going too fast :P, the 3º scene will be done in 1 or 3 days
EDIT:-1/18/2012-FOR KEDARKEDAR: For the weekend i will start making another clip for you^__^

MADNESS DUEL: Juanford66 vs liuzirui1122
-pistol test(DONE)
-machine gun test(DONE)
-shootgun test(DONE)
-stab test(DONE)
DEADLINE: 1, february.

i will subit the duel in my next POST.

EDIT:-1/19/2012- BUT WHY MY whistle status: ITS GARBAGE?
EDIT:-1/20/2012-YAY!!! DIMB will be release his animation TOMORROW!!
WHAAAT? the DIMB´s animation get blammed??! what happen in NG?
NOW, I WILL PUT the kedarkedar´s 2º clip progress:
-1/21/2012_____145 frames
-1/22/2012_____222 frames
-1/23/2012_____almost done ;) maybe tomorrow...
-1/24/2012_____DONE__240 frames
http://www.newgrounds.co m/portal/view/
EDIT:-1/21/2012- please comment something! :3
EDIT:-1/23/2012-less than 2 weeks for the ErnestoGod´s collab.
EDIT:-1/24/2012- KEDARKEDAR´s clip: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/37 7c1e97ee21ab2952fca57414872a51
i wont put more members in the collab, sorry but its FULL
finally!!! i have the IONIZING SPRITES! thanks NightAT
EDIT:-1/25/2012-PROBLEMS... my mouse does not work!!! and it is very difficult to animate with the touch screen.I guess it's a major setback, I hope this is resolved soon.
EDIT:-1/26/2012-YAY!!!!! the problem its fixed!!! (for now)...and,liuzirui1122 im waiting for you! n__n
ok, i will redo some test of the duel, so...i will subit the duel tomorrow or the next day, sorry liuzirui...


hey man! look the edit that i made for you!
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/ed497d052a09d6a4e8765a26acbf6875">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/e d497d052a09d6a4e8765a26acbf6875</a>

very cool xD i like it!!!! its ok :3

btw enter on xat! :O

me too

YEEEEY! , y ya sabes que le paso a hank1337?? yo no T.T

hank1337 no está muerto, tiene una nueva cuenta pero no te voy a decir cual :P

he like the name that i chose for him! :D


4 partes para que cosa? otro colab?

merda que tambien animas rapido, se ve que no son largas tus animaciones

yo tarde y acabo de terminar el clip de ernesto por que dura masomenos 22 segundos y 700 y pico de frames creo yo

o es que son partes largas? no lo se como haces

haber, :) yo suelo hacer clips de entre 5 y 10 segundos(150-300 frames), y suelo tardar como 1 semana...

Juanford, come by my page for a minute. Newspost up.

sorry, but the collab its full

Hey, I use your new sprites! Check out my post and go on chat


Shootgun? Shotgun??

shotgun! traslate this to english: shotgun test= escopeta


perdon porno comentar (porno , jajajaja) a diario veo tu post pero se me olvida comentar :/

no pasa nada :)....espera.... porno?! no querrás decir por no?

jajaja si :3


ehmmm...digo yo....casi toda la gente de nwgrounds, los fanaticos de DIMB ponen el video que hizo, algo que no es suyo....que se consigue digo yo, publicar una cosa que otro a hecho?

por cierto, se ve que eres miembro de cuatocabron o 9gag (el cuantocabron yankee)
muy b

bueno, es normal, DIMB es un buen animador, y yo la puse para que más gente que aun nom lo vío, pues que lo vea; y si, soy miembro de cuantocabrón xD aunque lo unico que hago es votar porque las viñetas que hago son un poco malas ajajaajaj

muy buena la cara de yu no

si ajajajaj la puse porque no soporto que lleve varios días sin que me comenten el post ya sabes... ;)

si, yo tambien me hice, pero tu sabes, no tengo mucha imaginacion para viñentas aparte que tus colegas españoles no les gusta que haya (no digas sudaca por que en america del sur y del centro les podriamos decir nordacas jejeje)

pero no les gusta que haya gente de america, ya saes....
por eso prefiero irme a gag9

que racistas son algunos xD, ami me dá igual que en cuantocabron hayan chinos, africanos o americanos....

Oh yeah yeah, and just who the FUCK gave you the permission to even so far as look at my ionizing sprites huh? Something tells me that faggot NightAT gave you them? I dont know what you've made with them but you better fucking delete that horrible animated piece of shit immediately. It was enough when one guy who thinks he can animate took them but now another shitty animater also has them and you're going to fucking delete them. Dont ever wanna se you use them again.

why are you angry? I'm not the only one using these sprites. and because I can not use them? uh?
if I put that are yours... -___-

wow , buen test , solo que no hagas que el madness se suba tanto y baje (cuerpo) hazlo mas fluido , mas hacia delante :) , oye me pasas iozing sprites xfa? ( en un pm )


comprate un nuevo mouse :)

haber, esque es muy dificil animar con la pantalla tactil, primero intentaré arreglarlo, y despues si no funciona... pues tedré que comprar otro; me imagino que me llevara 4-6 días solucionar el problema.

Nice part!!!

thanks :P

The lonizing sprites? I got it just before when it released!
And I came back from my grandmother's home just then. I'm busy animating the duel parts....

Oh shit it's "Just after it released"


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