finally has arrived, its madness day!!!! happy madness day for everyone!!! I just had surgery, so I'll spend more time at home the next 5 days
DJ-madness progress: 4,0 seconds=120 frames
-ZaracaM´s collab-4/4parts (DONE)
-AX3L001´s 2º collab-4/4parts(DONE)
-xrandomkill´s collab-2/2parts(DONE)
-Mysterman948´s collab-3/3parts(DONE)released:1, Octouber
-kedarkedar2´s collab-3/4parts
Madness ilumination collab:
Deadline: 30 of november.
EDIT:09/23/2011. LOL!!! 100 flash reviews!!!!
test: 848bc5b8b68616284d3aee6dc8dcbf
test 7175bc4330606b2e938b90ec3907b7
EDIT:09/30/2011. WHAAAAT!!!!??????? I lost all my files, collab clips, the sprites ... everything!!!!!! fuuuuuuuuck!!!!
EDIT: 10/01/2011. one month left for my birthday!!!!! its 1 of november!!! and I would like someone to do something for my birthday, a short or something :)
EDIT: 10/03/2011. the first scene of DJ-madness its DONE :D
Feliz madness day!
gracias :P