
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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Posted by juanford66 - July 11th, 2011

not much progress in my collab as it seems I'm the only one working on, this is going to members of the collab, 'send me some clip!.
on the other Collabs: the collab of AX3L001, montyman112, 23Dkiller ... if I have any more clip to montyman112.
The collab:-Madness ilumination
progress: 8%
members:-8/8, or 8/9? (is pending if joins Nomaron)

I bought the infamous 2 is a pretty good game and you can have fun in two ways: being mean and being nice ... do you think of this game? :D
madness saga:
-hank saga mc1?
-sheriff saga mc2-3
-tricky saga mc4-7
audithor saga mc8-10
EDIT: 07/13/2011. po-ninja test ;) http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/8b 24571f1969373e0cfef664fe510fc9
EDIT: 07/14/2011. Today I started working on the third part of the 23Dkiller´s collab
EDIT: 07/17/2011 nooooo!!! goog bye montyman :(. there is a space for those who want to join
EDIT:.07/18/2011. LOL XD!!.......sebaametalix´s deadline:09/10/2011
EDIT: 07/19/2011. 1337 crew level3 sprites sheet: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/1d bc48a9c2cee764e38a79ea6b5f3cff
where is mikik??!
EDIT: 07/21/2011. test :P
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/b0 9ab468f9191d5b3496bd44e1606b27



i am making a part now sorry for not giving you a part in a while :/

ok, nothing happens, I just want to be sending me clips

pronto te envio un clip de 6 segundos o mas..... por que ahora no he podido pero ahora si puedo

deacuerdo ;)

hi, i happy that somebody using my sprites.
i would join your collab if you want but i`m using bunnykill and thing thing

I'm sorry, but it must be with madness

ahora puedo entrar xD, como montyman112 se retiro de ng ahora me puedo unir a tu collab, hay una vacante?
PD: tendrias que esperar a fin de mes para que empieza a hacer el clip, estoy en otro collab pero me gusta hacer 1 clip largo (30 segundos, 20 segundos) en vez de tener que hacer 3 de 10 segundos o algo asi, espero que lo entiendas xD.

si xD

mola ajaja

ya casi termino mi clip.... y yo digo que deberias sacar a fpp81 de tu collab, solo te retrasara, yo lo invite al mio cuando iniciaba (hace 10 meses) y hasta ahora no me ha entregado nada.. por eso no lo puse en el collab

si no me entrega nada en 1 semana lo hecho

HEY SCREW YOU! oh wait, i have nothing against you, sorry about that

oye men... una pregunta... ya me falta muy poc para terminar mi clip llevo el 90% de el.. pero... en una parte de el voy a poner unas canciones.... pero.... como va a ser corto... te pregunto.... puedo ponerle las canciones?? o hago otro clip?

pon simplemente el sonido, ya que el collab va a tener música...que claro tengo que decidir que música ponerle

hmm, should I join, well, if you say yes then here's a test, not a part. :)
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/6f8f5cd004cecc5fdc972c6ce4e55e23">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/6 f8f5cd004cecc5fdc972c6ce4e55e23</a>

you´re in

why he shoots too slowly

i dont now XD

The third test isn't too bad. (:

thanks :)

nice test! you are improving! i see you downloaded the sprite sheet...


What teh Remake: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/b93cbb5e15eaa85c23d8acc4213c03d5">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/b 93cbb5e15eaa85c23d8acc4213c03d5</a>