
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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I do not know what will happen ...

Posted by juanford66 - June 10th, 2011

my notes from school are not very good, I do not know what will happen: If I reduce the time the computer does not have time just to animate ... hopefully nothing bad happens.
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/9e 263bbcd34534169822b82be199a2d0
test 2:
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/18 ef01c20da93a3c748d9a784e2c0070
test 3:
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f2 c2e735648a7db6499f16b4968746fd
test 4:
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c1 ec782829da3d65ddbe017e4d1749f0
test 5:
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c4 41f400951e582d4b95e2f4ce3a143e
test 6:
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/8b 794a8c60e4102e0436ad0fdd4ac867
HEY, watch my last test :P
AX3L001´s collab-----2/2 parts (DONE)
ZaracaM´s collab------3/3 parts (DONE)
23Dkiller´s collab------2/2 parts (DONE)
Montyman112´s collab----2/2 parts (DONE)
depends on how come my notes ... may make a collab .... we'll see ...

The collab: Madness ilumination
-juanford66 (me ) 2parts
-AX3L001 0parts
-Fpp81 0parts
-Montyman112 0parts
-MADNESSDAY2030 0parts
parts done: 2
deadline: 15 september?
menú by: Deathisawesome
1. no porn
2.minimum 4 seconds per clip
4. good animation.
ATTENTION, the collab will be held depending on the time you have to animate.
I also need someone to do the collab menu


Que mal :C, espero que mejoren tus notas, por cierto buen test.

eso espero....

youre improving on my eyes.. nice test!! just add shells

I guess ...

que pena :(, porque ¡animas bien! y muy buen test por sierto. mi promedio en mi colegio es 5,5

solo me quedará una... pero mis padres son un poco cabrones.... espero seguir animando un poco en el verano :)

no se si entrar, ya que tengo que animar otro clip y soy medio lento animando... hay vere si puedo, si termino este clip te aviso y talvez entre :D .

ok :P

genial...que bien que hagas un collab... puedo participar?

porsupuesto! :D

Wait, are you hosting your own collab?

If you are, then I would like to join.

you're in: D

Until when is the deadline?

I'm sorry, but I can't do it, I quit... I might even quit animating madness...

:( :(

Well, there isn't so many who have joined I guess, and I don't have time to join myself :( But maybe, if you really need it, I could make the menu for you :) Well, depending on how big you would like it. So if you're interested about it, please send me a PM and tell me what to do :)

ok,if you can give me the menu

Yo le entro/ I enter him =D

pues estás dentro :D

well, you'll probably say no... but, can you join my collab, i really want to submit something for madness day!!

Sorry, but you have to improve something if you want to get into the collab

Do you wanna me to join your collab?? :D

ok, you´re in :D

pronto te entrego 3 clips

ok :P

no, i meant like, do you wanna join my collab?

still do not know

I might be able to do the menu... give me the characters and i'll see what i can do. Oh and btw if you need any characters for the collab i can make some.

Sorry, but the menu is already doing Deathisawesome

could you go to my page?

YA mero te envio mis partes


Ay esay, if you need any characters for your collab talk to me, i can be of service :3

then send me an animation

ok join but cant really animate now cuz in our house there are people working on our heating and they are going to be here for 1 more day i thin so yea

ok, in