
Age 29, Male

Galicia, Spain

Joined on 12/16/10

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juanford66's News

Posted by juanford66 - February 14th, 2011

this is when most hate school!.And therefore .... study touches, I do not think anyone likes haha.changing the subject ... happy valentines! (not a day I like a lot but ...)I have a picture, I hope you enjoy and rate please!.lately I'm having enough tests, you may not be able to visit NG every day. while ... I will continue practicing with the flash.I have 2 parts to the collab of AX3L001, the parties are not very long, are only 4-5 seconds. I hope to participate on the collab!

Update: 02/21/2011

Posted by juanford66 - February 8th, 2011

the truth is I do not know if uploading animations for a while, why? I have uploaded 2 or 3 and I have gone, I do not know who is the son of a bitch I delete them! goodbye to upload animations for a while :(well .... newgrounds will visit at least every day you can!
MC10, and is less!...on the other hand ... I'm trying to evaluate a game online.what of my animations ... give him time, I will practice throughout the year, do not expect my animation soon, possibly within several months ... believe it or not, because the whiteDJ bastard to me is deleting! motherfucker!!!

Updated: 02/11/2011

Posted by juanford66 - February 2nd, 2011

Yes, if today or tomorrow have to start.The title is Dad 2, it may take between 2 and 4 days. On my new post .... comments please! but if you want you can give me issues about the 4 th comic. On the other hand ... I tried the "god of war 3"and is a great game! hahaha you should try all (or not, if you want).
animation program I have now! The bad thing is I do not know how to upload animations, and what I know is not much to cheer: (
and that animation I'm doing, I miss 11,2 seconds =136 frames
when finished, be if the upload to youtube
warning! I uploaded the animation is not that I'm working
what the hell's wrong? I have deleted the animation!
updated: 02/06/2011

Posted by juanford66 - January 26th, 2011

the truth is I do not know what to do. Maybe in the next few weeks take a more comic, though not promise much ... about my work .... rate please!.On the other hand, I hate winter !!!!! I do not know how it will be in other countries but here, there are days of -3.4 º C, I hope it ends soon! (laughs)http://www.youtube.com/v/mqLRj 6U23aE
listen to this song is good
if as Krinkels says on its website, which was 2000 frames in 1 month ... if it continues at this rate we can deduce that MC10 will come out on April or May or even June!!!
other animations that I hope for this year:
-madness ionizing 2
-killing time 2
-madness ultimate collab 5 (if going to do)
-ryder revenge ep.9
-madness infected 2
WOW!!! 3 coments, its my record (laugs) thanks!

Updated: 02/01/2011

Posted by juanford66 - January 20th, 2011

(Note: The information that is not going to give more than that given Krinkels)
Yes ... I have researched and know more than the image he has given.
1.is very likely to return tricky.
2.MC10 is the latest chapter in the saga. (this is likely to know the Mallorie)
3.can you see the mag-agent V4.
4.Deimos not return like jesus D:
5.the main protagonists are hank and sanford. the antagonist is the audithor.
6.the same mag-agent V3 still alive.
That's all I know, like ... half of what I said as hearsay. Unfortunately there is still enough to leave MC10: (
Hopefully get it this year.On the other hand, are 8 months for Madness Day 011'
leave us for a moment: DJ-Janer and Dimb

Posted by juanford66 - January 15th, 2011

is what is left of school until the next vacation, there is still all that and I have wanted to come hahaha
yes it is hard studies ;P on the other hand ... have if I get an animation program !!!!!
what a pity that we let DJ-Janer (for a while I hope) in 5 days 8 months left to madness day 011´
in my next new post give information on MC10 ;D

Posted by juanford66 - January 10th, 2011

This is a great game no doubt!!!is the best call of duty I've tried, and by far!!!scenarios 1-4 players are the same as the previous delivery.the graphics are very good, this is a game that ought test all, I'd advise !!!!! for my opinion the best of this game is the zombie mode, it is difficult to know, but you have a good ... try it!!!
madness comix 2-MC6 (error) - finished, you can look at my art, score! : D

Call of duty black ops!!!

Posted by juanford66 - January 9th, 2011

are as follows:
-zunder´s collab
-madness desintegration 4
-madness combat 10
-madness streak 6
-madness combat 7.5

Posted by juanford66 - January 6th, 2011

hahaha it is a shame I do not want to end up ever :D. I do not want anything having to get up early almost every day and then for 6 long hours bored hahaha. death to school !!!!! XD

Posted by juanford66 - January 1st, 2011

Happy New Year everyone!2011 finally arrived hahaha.hopefully good things will happen this year, and I hope to arrive soon (if ever hahaha).anyway .... Happy 2011!!